from a term run netcf

when the screen comes up find your ppp0 adapter
check its properties...somewhere in there is a checkbox that says Allow any
user to disconnect/connect this service...or something like that..

another thing you can do is log in as root (stay in console)
establish the connection either manually:  #ifup ppp0
or via Kppp or whatever you are using in KDE
shudown KDE
then hit the keys CTR-ALT and F2
it should bring you to another log in screen..log in as a user and away ya go

this assumes that you are not booting to a GUI prompt but rather a console

Same problems I had when I started off with linux....

Jeffrey Buckley wrote:

> I finally got my computer to dial out & connect to an ISP. I used KWvDial.
> Two problems. I can only connect in root login. I don't know how to set
> permissions so I can do it as user. Then once I connect, Netscape says
> that I'm not connected. Any Suggestions? Thanks!

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