Hi guys

Sorry but i am a complete newbie both to Linux and to  this newsgroup, so 
if these questions are too stupid or if they have already been answered 
before, please bare with me and accept my apologies (but still give me a 
coherent answer, please)

My Mandrake Linux 7.0 works very satisfactory and i had no trouble 
whatsoever installing and configuring it. But although the program 
correctly identified my network card, the card does not seem to work and 
eth0 fails during the booting process. i tried to download the driver from 
the Realtek site. Got two files - realtek_cb.o  and rtl8139.c

Tried to 'insmod' the realtek_cb.o file, but got a message that this file 
was compiled for an older version of the kernel and the module would not 
install even when i tried the -f switch. Now what should i do with the 
rtl8139.c file? How can i install it as the driver?

If and when the card finally works, i have another question - The main 
computer (not the Linux one) works under Windows98 and is connected to the 
Linux computer via the Microsoft network client. i realize that i'll have 
to use SAMBA, but my question concerned a much earlier stage - In that 
Microsoft network, the main computer has the IP of while the 
Linux computer (which also works under Windows98) is assigned the IP of Linux seems to regard those two IP as belonging to two 
different network systems. How can i reconcile it? (a guy from the PC Plus 
sent me a wonderful configuration which worked fine on his machine but was 
spat out by my Linux in utter disgust)

Yours, Dick

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