Hi, all --

Have any of you configured a CRON table?  I would like to have our Linux Server 
perform a cleanup operation once each day, 
and CRON would seem to be the way to do this.  I have looked at the MAN tables for 
both CRON and CRONTAB, and they are 
all but undecipherable.  Can you advise me:

[1]     Is CRON the right thing to use?

[2]     What is the syntax for an operation call (call it CleanItUp) to be performed 
at 2:34 AM each day?

[3]     What file does the above operation call go into?

Thank you very much for your help.


Pete Clapham
Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences
Cleveland State University
Cleveland, Ohio, 44115

Phone: [216] 687-4820
Fax: [216] 523-7175

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