whoops, my apologies, i meant to put this in my draft folder while i
booted linux to get the exact message but clicked on send instead,
here's what it should have read:

i have read that it is possible to have more than one X session open (on
different consoles) but when i switch to ctrl-alt-2 for example, and
login and then run startx i get an error message:
Server already active for display 0
   if no server running , remove /tmp/.X0-lock

Xlib: connection "0.0" refused by server
giving up
xinit: unable to connect to X server
xinit: no such process (errno 3): 

is there a way to have more than one X session open on one machine?
i am using kde and i am often switching between user and root as i am
still sorting things out with my installation, i know that some programs
(Draksconf for example) can be run as root in a user X session but i
read that the above was possible and if it is it would be quicker.


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