Hi again,

Can anyone help with this question as I need it for a newspaper article I am 
writing about the Linux system.  Is there any way root can view the web browsers 
history content of a particular user or how long a connection has been for?

I beleive, and I don't know if you agree, that one area in which Linux can grow
is with the security it offers to parents who worry over how much time is spent by 
their children surfing the net and what it is they are viewing.  Of course there are
programs that stop particular material and sites being viewed, but my experience 
of them whilst in windows was less than impressive.  

Therefore with the concern that is being voiced about the internet's content 
and the lack of control parents have over what their children can view
(in England anyway and I presume elsewhere) I feel that this is an area that Linux
can exploit.  By showing parents that if they owned the root account they 
are free to view the files and actions of their children and even dis-allow 
permission to the internet if they are on a night out and worried that
their fifteen year old, or worse, their baby sitter, may be running up a huge bill 
on the telephone, may be one way to increase the interest and popularity of both
Linux and the open source movement.

Well sorry it's been so long winded but your comments on my question or on 
the subject as a whole would be appreciated.

 --Learning at the deep end--

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