I suppose that it is because you don't give to rpm the right name of
package :
Once a package file [foo.rpm] is installed, it is recorded in the rpm
database as beeing the package "foo". So you have two choices :
Query the installed package :
        rpm -ql foo
or query the uninstalled package file (and add a parameter that tells rpm
to look in the file, and not in the rpm database) :
        rpm -qpl foo.rpm

I suppose that this is the mistake you are doing.
For (a LOT) more info about rpm, get the "maximum rpm" book downloadable
at http://www.rpm.org. This doc is REALLY usefull, and the explainations
are simple. It's worth the time to read it.


On Wed, 10 May 2000, James McLaughlin wrote:

> I have a system running Mandrake 7.0.  Whenever I run rpm -Uvh foo.rpm (or
> ivh)it runs through the
> ##############################
> and brings me back to a prompt. Then I querry the rpm that I just
> installed..and it says "package not installed"
> The current RPM I am trying to work with is the gcc.rpm that came on Disk2
> of my distro.  Does anyone know what would cause mandrake to run through the
> motions...but not really install the package.  Is there a command that will
> tell the rpm database to refresh itself and in turn Mandrake will recognize
> that the compiler is installed.  If not...I really don't want to go through
> all of the ^&*( to download the tarball and compile the compiler
> myself...ugghh..what a pain :(
> A friend of mine throught it was something to do with my bash file within
> root...
> Please help...I cant get any SQL or HTDIG working without a gcc g++ compiler
> installed :(
> THanks
> Kat

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