Lilo has a few tricks up it's sleave that other boot managers cannot touch.

One of the biggest is the ability to SWAP bios settings for drives...

This means that you can say, have FOUR hard drives on your machine and boot
from ANY of the four drives with ANY os installed.

I have WIN2K on a third drive (IDE CHANNEL 2, MASTER) NT on a fourth (IDE
CHANNEL 2, SLAVE), WIN98 on a Second (IDE CHANNEL 1, SLAVE) and Linux on the

Lilo handles all of this with aplomb.

Each OS comes up believing it resides on the primary boot device...

Man "lilo.conf" and check out the section on

"disk = device_name"

Since you can use this trick with multiple partitions... well, you get the


-----Original Message-----
From: Nathan Hopper [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2000 4:31 PM
Subject: [newbie] Down with LILO!

LILO is okay and all, but doing a custom install, I noticed other boot
managers can be installed. How do they rate feature-wise with LILO?

Here's the features near and dear to me:
Ease of use (especially adding newly compiled kernel--much easier to compile
than install I found).
Easy to incorporate alternative OSes -- Win2k mainly.
Easy to remove.

I have a feeling boot managers are kind of like that saying: fast, reliable,
secure - pick two.



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