On Thu, 4 May 2000, Aaron Zuercher wrote:

:~>Date: Thu, 04 May 2000 11:56:04 -0700
:~>From: Aaron Zuercher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
:~>Subject: [newbie] Disableing Supermount and other fstab questions
:~>How do I disable supermount?

supermount -i disable

:~>Also, I would like my non-root user to be able to mount and umount my CDROM 
:~>and ZIP drives.  What permissions do I need to give to what to do this?  As 
:~>it stands currently I have to SU before I mount and umount.

add "user" to fstab options

Dr. Denis Havlik                <http://www.ap.univie.ac.at/users/havlik>
Mandrakesoft            |||     e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Quality Assurance      (@ @)    (private: [EMAIL PROTECTED])    

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