VM ware is awesome.
What are you planning on doing with Windows on top of Linux?  Most games and
graphics heavy things don't run worth a ^&*( but basic WP and simple tasks
(Office2K-) work great.  Its great for customers that are having trouble
letting go of Windows...while you switch them over.  After you get it
installed...you have about 30 days to put it through the ringer....then you
have to buy :(
Its about 100 but I think its worth it.  If you do work where you dont have
the time or oppurtunity to reboot to get back to windows on a laptop or
other machine...its great.

It basically just loads a virtual box right on top of your linux X.  It goes
through its cool little VMware BIOS and everything.

In the April 2000 issue of Linux Mag...they had some great articles on Using
VMware, Wine, and even some stuff on PHAT Linux.  Which is what I am
planning on taking alook at tonight or sometime this week.

If anyone here does not get the mag and wants to check out what they had to
say...(it was a whole article about integrating Linux and Win) let me
know..I could post some screenies and scans of the mag article :)


-----Original Message-----
From: Drake X [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2000 9:38 AM
Subject: [newbie] VMware 2 run Linux/Win together!

Anyone know anything about VMware? I was looking at their website
(vmware.com) recently. They say you can run both Linux and MS Windows on 1
computer at the same time in their own virtual desktops! They have a 30 day
Linux trial copy to download. I don't know what happens after the trial
period ends though.

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