I can't see anything I type into Konsole. I've tried all the configuration
options to no avail. It's driving me nuts not to be able to resort to command
line when in KDE. I see a cursor about the right distance from the left margin.
It moves when I type. The changes I make are in fact made (ie I type mkdir
testdir <ENTER> not seeing any characters actuallly written to Konsole, but a
directory IS actually made), but it just aint safe to type commands you can't
see. Given that all my other KDE stuff looks pretty good, I assumed it wasn't an
issue with my actual XF86Config or anything. On the other hand, none of
Konsole's settings via the gui help at all. Any ideas? Anyone seen this
problem? Any other software I can install that does what Konsole does (and
hopefully works on my setup ;)


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