I am having problems installing Mandrake 7.0 onto an older laptop on which I
can not boot from a CD-ROM nor simultaneously install a CD-ROM and floppy
drive.  I previously installed Redhat 6.0 on a large ext2 partition on the
local hard drive using the RH text based install program (which appears
similar/identical to the LM 7 program).  I am willing to reformat the
partition, if necessary to install LM 7.0

I have copied the mandrake_70-2 CD /Mandrake/Base and /Mandrake/RPMS
directories to the root of an unused vfat partition on my local hard drive.
On another machine, I used rawwritewin.exe to create two boot floppies, one
with the hd.img file, and one with the txt_boot.img file.

When I use the hd.img file to attempt an install, I got as far as the screen
that asks which partition the base and RPM directories are located.  I
responded OK with the appropriate selection.

The install program then starts to load the second stage RAM Disk and
In second stage install
Died at /usr/bin/perl-install/install_steps_gtk.pm  line 202
Install exited abnormally

I get the same response no matter whether I use the file created on
10.01.2000 (found on the CD) or the revised file created on 31.01.2000
(found in the LM updates directory at various ftp sites).

When I attempt an install using the txt_boot.img file, I get the following
response whether I select the default or expert install modes.
The initrd.img and vmlinuz files load.
Then I get the screens reminding me to register, and asking what language
and keyboard I use.  Then, rather than asking what type of media I want to
install from (Figure C.5 on page 336 of the User Guide Reference Manual), I
get taken directly to a screen asking me to insert my Mandrake CD into the
CD drive.  It would appear that the program defaults to the CD install

In either case, I am unable to install Mandrake 7.

Does anyone know a way around these problems?  Is there a modification that
has been made/could be made to either the hd.img or text_install.img files?
Any other ideas?

Thank you
Paul Kaplan

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