
OK I did 
rgrep -r ppp0 *
and I got nothing back from it.

At 12:57 PM 5/12/00 -0500, you wrote:
>Hmmm... that's a toughie... basically you messed something up :)  J/k.
>Okay, things I'd look for:
>1.  Go to /etc/rc.d
>2.  rgrep -r ppp0 *
>3.  If something shows up, reply back with what it said (and any more detail
>you can give).
>4.  That obviously didn't work, otherwise you wouldn't still be here.
>5.  Okay, now umm... let's look around.

Here is what I remember just prior to this happening. I recall setting
a couple of configs in netconfig, I was attempting to get my modem
to dial up by adjusting the com port settings and DNS settings, again 
it was after working in netconf is when I began to get the errors. 

OK, I also (just now) went into /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-ppp to 
have a look around and see if I had been in there before making new
configs, and I have not. Nope never seen it before now, so nothing new
in there from me unless it was set in netconf. I also popped open
ifdown-ppp and also no new configs there from me, yet anyway. :)
Same goes for /etc/ppp/ip-up, nada.

>6.  Did you play with /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-ppp ?
>Okay, the numbering scheme is stupid...
>Anyway, if you changed that file, you may want to put it back :)
>But.... same would hold true, you probably would have to have played with
>ifdown-ppp in the same directory.
>Maybe you played with /etc/ppp/ip-up ?

Perhaps this is it, sounds like what it is doing when I boot up
but could I have done this from netconf?

>Maybe you forced ppp.o to load?
>I don't know!!!! Any more input would be helpful!
>               -=Ron=-
I made a couple of other notes while checking around in hopes 
that they may be helpful in figuring this out. I noticed that on
the NETWORKING TAB I have 'activate interface at boot' selected 
in the PPP interface ppp0 and restart link at connection. <-- could this
be my problem? I noticed that when I shut down Linux last night
I did not get the *RED* [FAILED] message on the ppp0 shutdown, 
however when I rebooted this morning I still get the *RED* [FAILED]
message during 'bringing up interface ppp0 hangs then [FAILED], I 
also get the [FAILED] mark on my cdrom2, but I will deal with that 
later. :) 

Also here are a couple of my notes on what exactly I have configured 
in netconf. 

name server spec DNS
PPP dialout =

PPP = none
POP = none
aren't these configs for my users?
not counting root or sympa, why aren't my user accounts there?
is this for virtual users?

So many new questions. :)

Here are also some notes from my config logs that I made in
relation to ppp0.

Executing: /sbin/ifup ppp0
*command takes more than 15 seconds odd
*killed by Operator <--me
Executing: /sbin/clock -w
Grabbing some late messages from command
/sbin/ifup ppp0
Failed to activate with error 8
Grabbing some late messages from command
Failed to activate error 5

Setting Firewalling<--may be a key
Executing: /sbin/ifup ppp0
*ppp0 already up initiating redialing
*return 33
Executing: /sbin/ifdown ppp0
Executing: /sbin/ifdown ppp0
Executing: /sbin/clock -w

Note: I have not made any configs in FIREWALLING, 
it is all there but I have not activated any of it yet.
Also when shutting down netconf I get;
command /usr/sbin/diald missing
and it offers a remedy but it doesn't seem to work.
I think it wanted to install a file and could not locate 
it or something, I will have to look again on that one.

Thanks again,


>-----Original Message-----
>Sent: Friday, May 12, 2000 10:24 AM
>Subject: [newbie] ppp0 woe-s
>I think this is very minor as I accomplished this while doing initial
>configs in my efforts to get my winmodem to dial up a connection.
>I have inadverdently tweaked something with my ppp0 configuration as when I
>boot to Linux and when I shut down Linux I get an error on my loading ppp0
>and my shutting down ppp0 on the check list it is the only config that
>comes up *RED*. 
>All of the remaining list items get a *GREEN* [ok] both booting and
>shutting down. As did ppp0 prior to my configs on my winmodem.

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