Depending on the age of the drive: are you operating this HDD in 66MHz 
mode?  If so, use WD's utility to turn it off [Linux will install on the 
33MHz speed this will drop down to].  Next, since you said you have an 
overlay, you have to boot from the overlay as it is installed on the HDD, 
pause it just after the overlay is loaded (it pauses very briefly for this 
purpose, or there will be other instructions), then continue the boot with 
your chosen floppy.  The exact method varies depending on the particular 
overlay and what version of it you have (I hope you have the documentation 
for the overlay, or you may end up talking to the WD technical support 
    As a former computer technician, the idea of running Linux from an 
overlay is frightening  [and I didn't know it was possible] -- run ANYTHING 
that way only if you have no other choice (i.e. a motherboard limitation); 
I've seen what can happen.
    -Gary Prichard-

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