
i have 3 computers. All computers are Dual-Boot-Machines.
My Windows 98-Network is up an running. But i have trouble to bring
up the Linux-Network.
Each of the Networkcards are 10 /100Mbit. on my Desktopcomputers i
have D-Link DFE 530 TX and on my Notebook i have a PCMCIA-Card
recognized as a DEC2241/???? Networkcard.
On my Notebook the Card is recognized with IRQ3 and I/O 0x0200.
And the interface eth0 is up. The notebook can ping itself but when i
want to ping one of the desktop-pc´s (running Windows98 or Linux)
there are no results.

1.      Windows 98 / D-link DFE530TX 10/100  IP:
2.      Windows 98 / D-Link DFE530TX 10/100  IP:
3.      Linux Notebook PCMCIA  DEC2241/???? 10/100   IP:

Netmask is

unfortunatly i have only a 10Mbit Hub (maybe this is the reason?).
Please can anybody tell me how i can  bring up my Network?

Thanks in advance

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