:~>On my quest for finding solutions to all sorts of LM problems, i stumbled 
:~>upon a very helpful site: http://www.mandrakeuser.org/index.html
:~>Of course you might have known about it all along, but for me it was new 
:~>and well worth the visit.
:~>This is no spam as i do not know the guy/s/girls who run that particular 
:~>site - just wanted to share it with you all.

Well, actually Mandrakesoft does. That is, Tom Berger does it, but 
we fully suport him.

Dr. Denis Havlik                <http://www.ap.univie.ac.at/users/havlik>
Mandrakesoft            |||     e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Quality Assurance      (@ @)    (private: [EMAIL PROTECTED])    

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