Anybody know how I can get XFree86 to display properly on a Toshiba Tecra 8100? The display card is a S3 Savage/MX 3D Accelerator Card, and I can seem to get XFree86 going.
When I choose the S3 Savage driver in the list, XFree won't even start .. When I choose Another S3 drvier (like one of the drivers with /MX in the name) XFree will start, but I get the 'squashed' screen.

Any webpages, links, or info that can help me out? I've checked the Linux Laptop site, but that only has the Terca 8000, and the 8100 has a different graphics card, so his instructions and such didn't work :-(

For thx the help in advance..


PS: The HP of the 8100 with full specs can be found at:
This appears to be a session based link, so you may have to search on Tera 8100 or click through the links.

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