I'd like to see the following .

Since a lot of people will be migrating from windows to Mandrake the will most
probably want to install linux into the smallest possible partition to
evaluate it. In doing it may be worth while looking at installing a
streamlined version with only the programs that a windows user can equate to
rather than the 2-4 of each type of program. Just a suggestion. When they are
used to it and become more adventurous they can add the rest.

When installing I noticed that the name of the file being installed and its
description were a a fair distance apart making it difficult to read the name
and then look down to read the description. I think they were either side of
the total time displays. Any chance of moving these closer together.

Disk Utilities.
Under SuSE I became used to two programs which I used to managed my disk
space, they were Xdu and Xdiskusage. SuSE had installed Xdu to that in Kfm al
one need to do was right click on the directory, run Xdu and a graphical usage
report appeared. Very handy rather than opening a terminal and typing 'du'.

Xdiskusage goes a little further in that it displays all partitions allowing
the user to graphically see the space being used and also allows them to
navigate up and down the partition/directories. I had this type of support
under windows, OS/2 and SuSE but not under Mandrake. I was wondering if the
supermount may be interfering.

Is there anyway you can facilitate a user being able to run these rather than

Also when I use the CDRW as a backup and then do a reinstall, everything I
copy over is write protected. Is there a way to facilitate mass conversion to
write mode without using the command line to achieve this.

TV Card BT 878
I'd love good support for this but I guess it will come in good time as I get
good picture but no sound.

I'd also like to be able to backup and restore my netscape mail, address book,
news group data but have only had limited success at recovering.

Cut and Paste:
Have finally learnt how to do this with the 3rd mouse key but agree this seems
to be an issue. The reasonably universal Ctl  X, C and V would be nice as
Windows was not the only operating system to have this either. It appears to
be reasonably common.

TGZ File
The idea of right clicking on a tar.gz file and then selecting extract would
be well received.

Star Office
This program will undoubtedly take a prime seat on a very good portion of
Linux work stations. Is there any chance that its initial installation can be
made a little easier as when I was using SuSE it installed a Star Office icon
on the desktop which made the final user installation just a click away rather
than opening the the Krpm to find out what directory the install program sits.

Good Points
I like how mandrake comes ready for almost anything right out of the box, no
compiling the kernel or tweaking lili.

I like the icon layout on the desktop, very handy.

I like the supermount not that I am used to it.

I like the MP3 support supplied.

I like the CDROM burner support provided.

The install program is smooth, well done.

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