That's okay. You've answered it. Tar. That's even better than the Iomega
back up Windows 'watchma call it.


Paul wrote:
> On Sat, 27 May 2000, Romanator wrote:
> >Hi Paul,
> >
> >How can you adjust what folders to back up? The Iomega software allows
> >you to choose all sorts of options. Or does this matter?
> >
> >BTW: I registered my software but I never receiceved a 6 digit number.
> >Where can I find these numbers to add to my signature - as you have?
> >
> >Roman
> Hi Roman,
> I have this Zip thing since over 6 years, I don't use it to make
> backups. Only for transporting large files.
> I backup my stuff through a tape-streamer and I use tar for that.
> Sorry, I can't help you further with this.
> Paul
> )0(-----------------------------------)0(
> Finally I know how many stars there are:
> )0(----[[EMAIL PROTECTED]]-------------)0(
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