On Sat, 27 May 2000, Dacia and AzureRose wrote:
> --- Neville Cobb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I would like to see the RPMDrake database already
> > loaded with the
> > programs we can install from the six CD set.

> that would take an incredible amoutn of HD space.  Six
> discs could be as much as 3900megs and the majority of
> that would probably be compresed!

I think Neville was talking about the feature where you can keep a catalog of
packages that are on CD's. I don't know how much space it takes but it
doesn't put much on your HD just package descriptions and a list of
files. This is _very_ handy when you need to find a package or file to install,
or for just browsing. RpmDrake even has what appears to be a full text search
option, there's no icon for it but you can find it in the Search drop-down menu.

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