Dear all

Not a life threatening problem I admit, however when playing mp3s in the
background things seem to go a little smoother somehow.

When playing a list of mp3s using XMMS (nice winamp clone!) everytime (between
tracks) I get the error 'Couldn't open audio' please check that:
1) You have the correct output plugin selected
2) No other program is blocking the soundcard
3) Your soundcard is configured properly

1) Now, as far as I can tell my output plugin is correct (OSS driver 0.9
[]) since it plays fine and, after dismissing the dialogure box and
pressing the forward to next track button, continues to play fine until the end
of THAT track - when the error comes up again! Plus the fact that other o/p
plugins available do not work at all.

2) I have no idea whether another prog is blocking the soundcard.. I have system
sounds enabled, but..... 

3) And as for my soundcard, I have no idea whether it is configured properly
since it was done automatically it seems, however, again, I have no problems
with anything but XMMS in this regard, so my first thoughts were NOT to change
these settings.

(I am running the PCPlus mandrake 7 linux install.. with AMD 600 Vibra128 PCI
sound card (creative).)

Anyone had a similar problem?  Any help would be much appreciated.


(¯`·._.·'¯`·-> poo <-·'¯`·._.·'¯) 
in Linux world
in the real (lol) world
(¯`·._.·'¯`·-> poo <-·'¯`·._.·'¯) 

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