
I'm having trouble understanding what WeirdX, and XDMCP do. This is what I
think they do, If I'm wrong or you have anything to say on this subject,
please send a message to the list.

Ok so to my understanding XDMCP is the protcol that XDM uses to allow
clients to login to a remote computer running X.

So this is what I'm thinking might be possible, linux box running XFree86
and xdm, configured to allow remote access. And a windows box running
WeirdX.  Is it possible to login to the linux box from the Windows box over
the net using XDMCP?

I'm really clueless when it comes to this sort of thing, so any pages, with
info or anybody who wants to tell me their 2 cents on this subject, feel
free to post a message,


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