ok, I reformatted and reinstalled (again) thinking i might have missed
something up during the installation. Now the mail problem seems to be
fixed but i was still getting a connection refused message when i tried to
telnet and ftp into my machine. I checked the /etc/inetd.conf file and
telnet and ftp are not commented out so they should be running. One thing
i did find was that mandrak apparently didnt set inetd up to be called and
run in the /etc/rc.d scripts. I added it to rc3.d and rc5.d so that it
would get started up when the computer came up and an now getting:

telnet localhost
Connected to localhost.localdomain.
Escape character is '^]'
Connection closed by foreign host.

Getting the same thing via ftp as well, connected then disconnected. Is
there something else that i need to have running for these services to
accept connections? ipchains has no rules in it other then in the
forwarding section for masquerading (which works btw) and all policies are
set to accept on input and output so the firewall shouldnt be blocking
anything. Anyone got any other ideas?

All assistance is GREATLY appreciated,
Ian K. Harrell

---Reply to mail from Paul about [newbie] some problems after  new install
> On Tue, 30 May 2000, Fireman71 wrote:
>>1 - when trying to send an email with the mail command i got the message ::
>> "/etc/sendmail.cf: line 0: cannot open: No such file or directory"
>>so i went and checked, sure enough, there is no file there. I then went
>>back to the mandrake cd and tried :: "rpm -Uv sendmail-*" which responded
>>with the reply "sendmail conflicts with postfix-19991231-3mdk" anyone got
>>any ideas on how i can get this one fixed?
> With "kpackage" first locate and uninstall Postfix. Then install
> Sendmail. I know these two don't like each other.
>>2 - I am now no longer able to telnet or ftp in to my computer either via
>>localhost or from another machine on my lan or over the Internet. trying
>>telnet localhost, telnet, etc all result in "telnet: Unable to
>>connect to remote host: Connection refused" ftp localhost gives "ftp:
>>connect: Connection refused" I am able to masq through this Linux box with
>>a comp running win98 for http access. Meaning that i can go to my win
>>machine and tell netscape on it to go to www.mandrake.com and it will
>>bring the page up and that all works fine. I can even access the default
>>web page for apache from my win machine with "" Also
>>telnet and ftp work fine for going out. just when i try to connect in does
>>it refuse it
> From what I learnt here, you could check if ftp and telnet are allowed in
> your /etc/inetd.conf file. Of course, I may be wrong...
> Paul
> )0(-----------------------------------)0(
> Friendship: lying awake over someone else's problems
> )0(----[[EMAIL PROTECTED]]-------------)0(
> http://nlpagan.net - ICQ 147208
> Registered Linux User 174403

---End reply

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