Thanks for your answer :)

" 'perl' terminated the 
installation for the reason that my system or whatever was not in
mode...very peculiar..."

I had the same problem. What I did:
I formatted again Linux partitions and I accepted the size that
appeared in /swap partition window (250MB).  I believe that it was the
swap partition too small (I choosed 128MB before) the cause of the
problem. Of course you have to try at your account and risk... ;)

I just have three Linux partitions: /boot, / and /swap



this is what I found out re LM 7.0 Air. If u use 'recommended' it won't
u whether u want to install LILO or not. If u use 'custom', it will ask
where to put LILO (MBR or first partition) and if u use 'Expert' then
will ask u if you want LILO or not.

And ur right, that's not in the manual. The manual only give the 
'recommended' installation. you should go to the linux-mandrake website
see the Demos for 'custom' and 'expert'.

in my case, my linux boot disk won't work. I have tried reinstalling LM
suddenly during installing of the software 'perl' terminated the 
installation for the reason that my system or whatever was not in
mode...very peculiar.

so at this point I can still boot to Windows but my Linux is dead
because it 
partitioned and formatted my 2nd HD already and terminated the
before I can input the root password.  And there was a very comforting 
message after it terminated the installation 'you can safely reboot
computer now'. Yup, I can reboot alright but Linux is dead.

Good luck.

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