Hello everyone,

I installed Mandrake 7.0 about a week ago, and since then I've been having
trouble with my X configuration.  Specifically, I can't get it to accept the
correct resolution.

I am running a 233 MHz Intel clone with OpenGL and MMX support, with 48 megs
of RAM.  My video card is an Alliance ProMotion 6422 and my monitor is an
IBM 6540 G42, both as recognized by my Windoze software.  (Unfortunately, as
I purchased this computer secondhand, I do not have the specific
documentation.)  Both the video card and the monitor appear in the lists
provided by the Mandrake installer.  My Windows configuration is 800x600,
with high-color (16 bit).

The trouble is, when I feed this information to the installer, the screen
flickers a few times, and comes back with the error message "Hung in
ApmSync(), try changing some parameters."  This happens no matter what
resolution I try to use.  I tried some other video cards, just for the fun
of it, and if they worked with my card at all, they came up with the same
"Hung in ApmSync()" error.

The only way I could get X to run was using the VGA16 server by selecting
the "Unknown VGA compatible" video card.  My card _should_ be using the SVGA
server (which is what Mandrake selected for it), but when I try to use it I
get the above error message.

If there is anyone that can help me on this one, or at least explain what is
happening, I would very much appreciate it.


 "But how am I to know the good side from the bad?"
 "You will _know._  When you are calm.  At peace.
  Passive." -Luke and Yoda

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