You don't need any drivers.
If you are using KDE as your desktop start by creating a new KDELNK with
entries as follows in the Device section  /dev/"whatever yours is" (mine is hdd
so this entry looks like /dev/hdd)  and in the mount point you need
/mnt/"whatever yours is" - mine is /mnt/LS.
You need to create a new mount point (mkdir /mnt/LS - or whatever you choose to
call your mount point)
Now edit your /etc/fstab and add a line as follows:- 
/dev/hdd /mnt/LS ext2 rw,user,noauto 0 0
this will allow you to access ext2 formatted LS 120 discs. if you want to mount
dos formatted floppies add another line to /etc/fstab but substititute ext2 for
You will then be able to click on the desktop icon to mount your LS 120 - I
have not tried using automount so I don't know if it works or not, I'm happy to
use umount when I've finished with it as I don't use it very often.
Don't forget in both KDELNK and when editing your /etc/fstab to subsitute your
own device names and mount points.
If you have any problems with it I'll be glad to try to help.

On Thu, 01 Jun 2000, you wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a Imation Super Disk 120MB Parallel Port Drive.
> Does anybody know how to setup the Drive in Linux or
> where i can get the Drivers?.
> any help is appreciated.
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* How can I Automount my brain at boot time ? *

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