On Fri, 2 Jun 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>Hmmm... I don't remember when this was configured but at installation time,
>you can tell the system to boot KDE or GNOME or something else. I had to do
>a partial reinstall because of a LILO problem and when I boot, the xdm
>windows allows me to choose what desktop env. I want. I would eventually
>like to revert to GNOME only (like it was when I did my first install).

If you want a certain thing to load, put that in ~/.Xclients

Gnome:  exec gnome-session
KDE:    exec startkde

Etc. See the original .Xclients for the right syntax per system. I made a
backup of that, and now all it has in it is:


kfm &
exec blackbox

#exec startkde
#exec gnome-session

(The latter two make it easy to switch, just have to meddle with #'s)


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