At 21:37 03 06 2000 +0200, you wrote:
>On Fri, 2 Jun 2000, John Rye wrote:
>>I have a pecular problem which i'm not sure is actually to do
>>with Kmail but occurs when picking up mail.

>Hi John,
>How do you get mail from your ISP? Do you have Kmail do that? Or do you
>use Fetchmail or so for that?
>Perhaps you can set Kmail to leaving mail on the server, and when you get
>these strange messages again, ask your ISP helpdesk to take a look at
>these specific things on the server, in raw format. Perhaps that helps..

Tried that.

As of habit when trying out new programs I have a 'backup' system going.

In this case I'm using Kmail for the picks but I'm also still holding at
the server
and using another program to delete.

The problem seems to be with Kmail at the other system doesn't appear to
have the same 'characteristics'

I'm using the 'standard' KDE dialer (Kdial??) to connect and Kmail to uplift.

This is a makeshift for the time being as I'm still looking for a GUI email
along the lines of say Eudora (Dos and Mac).



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