On Sat, 3 Jun 2000, Colin L. Whipple wrote:

>On Thu, 01 Jun 2000, John Couturier wrote:

>> Interesting I just downloaded ksnuffle and it compiled and ran
>perfectly.  I have gcc 2.95.3 I downloaded the source RPM from the
>cooker site and rebuilt the whole gcc suite and installed it.  I also
>did that with glibc-2.1.3.  So it could be that last .3 in my gcc or
>possible glibc that makes it work for me.  Those are the only two
>packages I've upgraded that would come close to causing (or fixing for
>that matter) compiler errors.
>Why do some messages not format properly on my screen, like the one I am
>replying too?  It appears as one long line, that I have to use the horizontal
>scroll-bar to read.
>Do I need to adjust something in kmail, or is something wrong at the sender's

Yes, and yes. You can set things ok in file-preferences-composer. There's
a box "word wrap at column...". Click it and put in something like 74.
The original sender wrote his mail as one long line, and his mail client
did not "hard wrap" things on send. Perhaps a setting, perhaps a
feature... who knows...


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