First I'd like to thank all the people who responded to my first message.

Almost right after I posted the message asking how to get XDM to load
something other than KDE, I figured out how to do it.. well one way to do
it. So here is what I did.

*note: Also I like to mention I'm taking about running xdm not startx which
do different things. Startx loads the window manager specified in &/.xinitrc

Ok so I started taking a peek in /etc/X11/xdm and found a file called
Xsession which seemed to be the configuration file that xdm calls for every
user logging in with xdm. So I completely replaced Xsession with a new
Xseesion with the only one like

  exec wmaker

I found that changing /usr/X11/xdm/Xsession makes it so all users load
Window Maker which is what I wanted.

So that's how I did it, alot of other people suggested that I change
Xclients, but I'm still not clear on what Xclients does.

Respond if you have anything to add.

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