On  4 Jun, Paul wrote:
> On Sat, 3 Jun 2000, Roman Bysh wrote:
>>I'm sorry, I just caught the end of this thread. 
> We discussed programs to take a snapshot of the graphics screen. Windowze
> PRINTSCREEN function does not work in Linux, but there are programs, like
> Ksnapshot and xv to do that.
> Paul

To do a screen shot with xv:

- Start xv
- Click on the right mouse button to bring up the controls menu.
- Click on the Grab button
- Insert a delay value. This is nice if you need to popup a menu or
- Select the "Hide XV windows" option if you want xv to get out of the way
- Click on Grab (or on Autograb if your delay is > 0)
- If you selected Grab, click on the left mouse button to get a screen shot
  of a specific window or the middle button to select an area to grab. THe
  right button cancels the grab.
- If you selected AutoGrab, put your mouse in the window you want to grab
  and wait until the computer beeps.
- The xv image window should show you your screenshot.



P.S. it's possible that it won't work on a 24-bit screen. I just tried it
and it craps out. In that case, the GIMP works. But I couldn't get it to
save a window with a popup menu in it...
Laurent Duperval                   "Montreal winters are an intelligence test,
U|Force - Java Center                     and we who are here have failed it."
Phone: (514) 282-8484 ext. 228                                   -Doug Camilli
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]      Penguin Power!

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