Contrary to what others have told you, there is a step involved..

Assuming that Lothar reported your modem correctly, go to the console, or
Xterm and type this...

ln -s /dev/ttyS1 /dev/modem

This creates a symbolic link so that programs know where the modem is...

Now while still in the Xterm, type "minicom".

This brings up a text based communication program.

It attempts to initialize the modem with a standard setup string...

You might or might not see an ok back from the modem...

type in


you should get an "OK" back.

If this works everything is fine.

If this does not work, then you do not have your serial ports set up
properly, there is a problem with the modem itself, or you have a bad


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, June 05, 2000 11:53 AM
Subject: [newbie] How do I mount a modem?

Hello guys!

I just set up a linuxbox with ML7 (PIII 500Mhz, Voodoo3 16Mb, Soundblaster).
I had a little bit of trouble for changing resolution to 1024 but after a
few tries it was done. I still have some system configuration problems, but
I'll go one at a time.

I have a US Robotics V.90 56K external modem and I cannot use it. Lothar
tells me there is a modem in /dev/ttyS1. I am very very newbie, so I read
some man pages and looked in the book "Linux Unleashed" and found no modem
mounting. So I tried my self by the few things I learned about mounting. No
success. I guess mounting a modem must be a piece of cake, but how do I
mount my modem?

Thanks all in advance.


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