Thanks for pointing this out. Unfortunately, my printer ran out of ink.
I'll have to write this out in long hand.


Philip Gabbert wrote:
> Quite simple .. Tar is an app that gets many people. Got me to until I
> finally figured it out :)
> Say you want to tar and zip up /www/ .. All you have to do is cd to /.
> Then, under linux run:
>                         tar -zcvf all_archive.tgz www
> z -> gzip compression
> c -> create archive
> v -> verbose
> f -> archive name
> the '-' is optional, and is there for backwards compatablility. Simple as
> that. If you are on a Unix system (Solaris) or have an older version of
> tar you can run:
> tar xvf all_archive.tar www
> gzip all_archive.tar
> It will create a file called all_archive.tar.gz
> That's all folks :)
> -- philip
> >
> >Hi, I've tried looking at the tar man page, but still cant get any joy with
> >tar.
> >
> >I have a directory called archive, with numerous subdirectories. I want to
> >save all these files as a single file called all_archive, while preserving
> >the dirctory structure and permissions, and then finally compress the whole
> >thing. Can some one show me the correct command please
> >
> >Thanks
> >
> >Barry
> >
> >
> >
> Eagles may soar, but weasel don't get sucked into jet engines
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