can somebody please help me with the problem below in my original post?

On Wed, 7 Jun 2000, Lance wrote:

> hi everyone,
> i recently bought (macmillan) mandrake 7.0 deluxe and am having trouble
> with the install, mostly getting lilo to work. i have 2 drives in my
> machine with windows 2000 professional on a 20gig, and a master-slaved
> 6gig i want to run mandrake on. i start the install by booting off the cd,
> setup my linux partitions automatically and go through the rest of the
> install ok. i install lilo to the mbr and configure X and it tells me to
> restart. i remove the boot disk and cdrom, restart, and all i get are
> "cascading" 1's and 0's...i power down, start up with the boot disk i made
> and lilo gives me *no* option for my windows partition that sits on the
> other hard drive. i get into linux/kde with the floppy boot disk and add
> the win partition to lilo in drakconf and try rebooting without the
> bootdisk and i get 1's and 0's again. if i start with the bootdisk i'm ok,
> but i cannot choose to boot into windows 2000. at this point i got a
> little freaked out and had to overwrite my mbr to get access to windows
> again, and have been hesitant to go any further with mandrake since i've
> got 10 gigs of critical data on my windows 2000 drive/partition that i
> must be able to acesss at all times for work. my system specs are 300mhz
> AMD, 128 ram, 3dfx voodoo 2000, and on-board crystal pnp sound. i should
> also note that i have norton antivirus2000 installed on windows, and
> i'm wondering if maybe that is keeping lilo from writing itself to the
> mbr? i am a former suse user and am new to mandrake/red hat, so any help
> with this would be greatly appreciated! really looking forward to going
> back to linux after a 6 month hiatus...many thanks!
> best regards,
> lance    

*        Lance C. Yarema ([EMAIL PROTECTED])     *       
* Computer Admin/Web/Tech                      *
* Dept. of Counseling & Educational Psychology *
* University of Nevada, Reno, Nevada           *
* Phone: 775-784-6637, x2074                   *
* PC/Mac/UNIX Network Tech:                    *       
* Computing & Telecommunications               *
* Desktop Services 775-784-1540, x1            *
* Final Answer Web Design & Computer Solutions *
* Reno, Nevada                                 *
* 775-324-1529                                 * 
* email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]            *

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