Just go here: https://reg.freewwweb.com/cgi-bin/signup.cgi and signup. YOu
don't need to talk to anyone.

> Art,
>     The web site says to talk to one of the regional (distributors? I don't 
> remember exactly).  I sent an email to one in Maryland and never got a reply. 
>  Is the sign-up worth the hassle?  I want to check a list of local phone 
> numbers to be sure this is going to be a local call, otherwise it isn't worth 
> doing.  I don't have a good "first impression" though many on this list 
> recommend them and use them.  I'd like to get AOL out of my pocket, too.  
> -Gary-
> In a message dated 6/5/2000 7:41:58 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> writes:
> << www.freewwweb.com seems to work very well. The home page is very simple and
>  sets up a standard dialer or tells you what to put in your internet settings
>  and mail settings.
>  Art
>   >>
Anthony Huereca
Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are. 

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