On Sat, 10 Jun 2000, you wrote:
> I live in Toronto, Ontario Canada. As you know products cost almost
> twice as much as in the United States. Do you have a ball park figure
> for the Plextor IDE?
> Roman
> R-man,
> Eunice Thompson wrote:
> > 
> > Roman,
> > I've  got a Plextor IDE, and it works great.
> > the scsi's also work great- so I recommend a Plextor. Go with the 12X SCSI
> > if money is no object ( it's the latest model)
> > Eunice Thompson
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Romanator" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Friday, June 09, 2000 10:58 PM
> > Subject: [newbie] What would be a good CD writer to purchase fo Linux
> > Mandrake 7.0
> > 
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > I'm looking for a CD writer. What would be a good brand that runs well
> > > under Linux?
> > > My computer is a Dell Dimensions XPSB 733.
> > >
> > > OS is Linux Mandrake 7.0 PP and WinNT4.
> > >
> > > Any help recommendations would be considered.
> > >
> > > Roman

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