do you have any firewalls setup???

Paul wrote:
> Hi all!
> I am losing it, I think.
> Looked all over MUO and can't find it.
> The situation:
> 1 linux machine, hostname p350.merlin. It has a working printer locally,
> with /etc/printcap set up okay, queue is in /var/spool/lpd/lp.
> Printtool nicely writes a testpage to the printer, all fine.
> /etc/hosts.lpd has internet.merlin in it as a client that is allowed to
> print here.
> "lpc status" tells me that queueing and printing is enabled, no waiting
> entries, but...  no daemon available. Weird, since it is in the boot.
> So I run lpd. Should be fine. Alas, another lpc status tells me there's no
> daemon. HUH??
> Next: 1 linux machine, hostname internet.merlin. Wants to print to the
> printer on p350.merlin. I can't however figure out how to tell this thing
> that the printer is on the other end of a network-cable.
> I tell it through printtool that there is a remote machine, p350.merlin
> and that the queue is at lp. It tells me that a connect is refused, and
> that we're waiting for p350.merlin to enable queueing (must be the daemon
> that keeps falling over).
> What am I doing wrong/forgetting? In the setup of p350 LPD _is_
> started. It is enabled in the boot sequence, I see the message "loading
> LPD: [OK]" come by too.
> It bugs me, since in an older setup (redhat 5) I had this working...

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