First, a word of warning.. ANYONE who takes my advice as if it was
anything other than another newbie's opinion is taking their computer to
a dangerous place... I am a newbie (and PROUD <G>) and only have been
doing linux since the year 2000 sometime, but I've sat near a Unix box
some years back (lunchtime in the office or something)

SCSI is "small computer special interface" or something along those
lines... it was introduced to me back in the days of 8088's and 286
Intel processors, as a way to fool my bios (an IBM PS1 286/10 Mhz, 1.5
meg mem, 30meg HD) into allowing another drive (cd-rom, single speed)
Anyway what they are looking for is IF you have SCSI, it wants to know
what kind of card you have.
If you do not know, and your computer is a generic type with one hard
drive, or only IDE drives, and no scanners or other peripherals, and no
connection in the back that is even more pins and is wider than the
printer connection (lpt), it is a pretty good bet that you do not have a
scsi interface, so answer none, and skip that section. 

OK I am ready to be flamed for run-on sentences too


> I am trying to install LINUX Mandrake 7.0, and when I am installing it asks
> if I have SCSI interface. I don't know what that is and some guy helped me
> find my SCSI and its not on the list. Furthermore when I click no on it
> nothing happens. I cant continue the installation without getting though
> this! help me!!!!

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