The technic consist of installing lilo on your linux partition (not the
MBR)and make an image of your lilo boot sector. So , if your linux (and
your lilo) is on /dev/hda2, type :
  dd if=/dev/hda2 of=~/bootsect.lnx bs=512 count=1

Then copy the image (~/bootsect.lnx) to your NT partition, and, in NT,
change your c:\boot.ini and add a line :

(note that you'll have to change your c:\boot.ini file's attribute to do

Next time you boot, you should see a linux entry in the ntldr menu.

If you have problems, read the Linux+NT-Loader-mini-HOWTO


On Thu, 15 Jun 2000, Fred Hamilton wrote:

> How can I have Linux and NT 4.0 Server on the same machine and have Linux 
> show up on the NT start menu instead of using the Linux boot manager? Can 
> it be done? I am getting ready to do a clean install of both operating 
> systems.
> Fred

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