I think that the easiest thing to do would be to add a 250 MB partition,
so that you won't have to resize anything.

Use fdisk, cfdisk, or any other disk partitionner, and create a 250 MB
swap parttion (let's say you do it in /dev/hdb2).

Then, initialize the swap partition :
  mkswap /dev/hdb2
in your /etc/fstab, add a line :
  /dev/hda2  swap  swap  defaults 0 0
and activate your swaps :
  swapon -a

And you now should have two swap partition of each 250 MB.


On Thu, 15 Jun 2000, Edison Gica wrote:

> Hi all:
> I installed LM 7 under Recommended and the swap partition was set to 250MB.  
> I want to increase my swap to 500MB.  any help would be sincerely 
> appreciated.
> thanks.
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