I'va a strange problem with Mandrake-7.1.

In my box i've installed several Linux distributions and
I use Nt-loader (in a dos partition) to choose operative System
at boot time.

Now, i've installed Mandrake-7.1 in a free partition,to test it 
before upgrade 7.0.
I choose to install lilo in bootsector of mdk-7.1 partition
Then I copied this sector in dos partition
dd if=/dev/hdc5 of=/mnt/dos/BOOTSECT.M71 bs=512 count=1
and added the usual line to boot.ini:

This is the same procedure i followed many time and actually
works to load Mandrake-7.0 and SuSE-6.4.

It doesn't work to load mandrake-7.1 !
If at boot, i choose mandrake-7.1 i've got only a black 
I'm able to start others operative systems from boot.ini
and mandrake-7.1 from boot-floppy.

Any suggestion?

ciao, Andrea Celli

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