On Fri, 16 Jun 2000 10:53:14 +0200, Pierre wrote:

>I'm trying to gunzip a .gz file and the command outputs that the file is
>not a gzip file ...
>Any idea ?
Sat, 17 Jun 2000  13:11:36

Yes sir Pierre, I had this problem with several tar.gz files...what I
discovered,( by someone on this list telling me 8-)) is sometimes
although the files are listed as .gz ...sometimes they get to you not
        What I did to open the files was,  run xtvf instead of zxvf
and if the file tested ok with this t option..I ran them with xvf and
they untarred really nice. if they balk try putting "filename" quote
marks ,around the whole filename...if it still don't work try changing
the gz to just .tar...I thought the files were bad at first, but
messing with them made them eventually work. I was doing this on an
xterm command line.

Good luck
Olly P
Biloxi Mississippi

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