It's available in most of the control panels for your window manager...
I.E. in Gnome, KDE, etc.
You can also enable it in an Xterm by typing "xset +dpms" which enables the Energy Star Features of the Monitor...
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sunday, June 18, 2000 2:08 AM
To: Linux
Subject: [newbie] Screen Power Off

   I did not  find in the Screen Sarver some thing for  Power Off   the Screen after
some  time.   Can I do  this in Linux  ????


...._/_/_/_/.._/..... _/._/_/_/_/._/_/_/_/_/._/_/_/_/ _/......_/._/_/_/_/..
.........Gustavo Halperin...........................................................
.....Paradigm Geophysical..............\\\Y///.................................
[EMAIL PROTECTED]\\ ^ ^ //................................
.........972-9-9709318..................(/ @ @ \)..............................

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