I have the same problem, except it takes minutes. "amd" is the automount
service that (guess) automounts your floppy, cd-rom, drives, and any
other device instead of having to type "mnt /dev/cdrom" or "mount /cd"
for whatever device you want to use. It may have been corrupted during
install. I suppose teh best way to cure the problem is re-install(rpm)
the apm package. I would suggest removing the old one first, starting
with a clean slate usually best.

If you just want to prevent it from starting at boot, enter the shift key
+ "I" at the "Welcome to Linux-Mandrake, Press "I" to enter Interactive
Mode" segment during the boot and it will take you into a grahical
version of Linuxconf Operation Mode. Highlight "Configure the
workstation", then scroll down to "Control Service Activity" under
Control Panel. It will bring up a screen with all the services loaded on
your system and "amd" will be first. It is currently set to "automatic",
but if you highlight it and press enter, you can disable it at startup by
moving the cursor under the "X" in startup and pressing the spacebar,
then tab to accept and quit out of everything. It will then put you
through a step by step starup for each service where you can choose what
you want started(this time). If you don't want to go through that, turn
your computer off then on again. It should boot without starting amd.
Although, you will have to mount each device when you want to use it from


Melissa and Michael Grover wrote:

> When my Mandrake 7.0 machine boots up, it will sit at "Starting amd:"
> for about 45 seconds, the continue on. the service starts ok.
> On another machine, their is no delay at all.
> Anybody know where I can get more information on what amd is?
>           mike...

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