Hi All
         Just a quick one.

1>  I need user to log in using telnet ( for my bbs ) I need to have no
password for the bbs user e.g. when using us a telnet program you wound see
linux 1st then the users type at the logon "bbs" then it let then to the
bbs. now I have got this working but I wound like to put no password

2> this one is a old one I like to get my win98 system on to my linux system
( internet only ) but only my Internet explorer ( if I use my proxy
 192.XXX.X.X and port 31XX)
I try to use a DNS on the windows system ( my ips ) but this still will not

I have had this fix but coz of a shit drive I lost all my home drive and it
all went to shit :-(

Thanks for you help .....

Michael ( Nozy ) Falzon
Gremlin Consultancy Pty Ltp
Phone : +61 3 93153855
Fax :     +61 3 93159585

Mozy's Swamp & Red Dwarf BBs
http://welcome.to/mozysswamp  Email :  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://welcome.to/reddwarfbbs   Email :  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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