it's obviously a good day for questions from me...
(ie. my internets down, so i cant browse for answers).

Linux locked up while i was changing themes (i also thick someone was vncing
into my box at the time)
any how i have got some dodgy gfx drivers so i do get the occasional

when i rebooted, and logged into kde i had no desktop icons and the menu
entries didn't work (except for the display configure and logout).
i could still run stuff though rbm execute command or alt f2.

i tried creating a new user and logging in (the desktop &co was fine).
i then copied the .kde desktop .kderc .xscreen? etc files from the new user
to the broken one and chown,chgrp -R ed them all.

the border, theme was reset but still no desktop icons and the menu entries

btw. gnome &co all work fine.

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