Dennis Myers wrote:

> "John T. Seebold" wrote:
> > My fstab file...
> >
> > #################################################################
> > # The 26 GB Diamond Maxtor Super Drive.
> > /dev/hdb1        /               ext2        defaults         1 1
> > /dev/hdb5        /home           ext2        defaults         1 2
> > /dev/hdb7        /usr            ext2        defaults         1 1
> > /dev/hdb6        none            swap        defaults         1 2
> >
> > # The shitty little 4 GB Western Digital.
> > /dev/hdc1        /mnt/scratch    ext2        defaults         1 2
> >
> > # Some other shit I have no clue about.
> > none            /dev/pts         devpts      mode=0620        0 0
> > none            /proc            proc        defaults         0 0
> >
> > # An Attempt at mounting the DVD drive and the CD Burner.
> > /dev/cdrom      /mnt/cdrom       auto        noauto,ro,user   0 0
> > /dev/cdburner   /mnt/cdburner    auto        noauto,ro,user   0 0
> >
> > # The floppy drives, 3.5" and the 5.25".
> > /dev/floppy     /mnt/floppy      auto        noauto,user      0 0
> > /dev/floppy2    /mnt/floppy2     auto        noauto,user      0 0
> > #################################################################
> >
> > So I tried a few entries at the command line...
> >
> > [root@zoey /etc]# mount -a
> > [root@zoey /etc]# mount /dev/cdrom
> > mount: /dev/cdrom is not a valid block device
> > [root@zoey /etc]# mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
> > mount: /dev/cdrom is not a valid block device
> > [root@zoey /etc]# mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
> > mount: /dev/cdrom is not a valid block device
> > [root@zoey /etc]# mount /dev/cdburner /mnt/cdburner
> > mount: /dev/cdburner is not a valid block device
> > [root@zoey /etc]# arg!
> > bash: arg!: command not found
> > [root@zoey /etc]#
> >
> > And still I can't get the damn things mounted.  The hard drives are as
> > autodetected... and I *did* install off the Mandrake cd... I just can't
> > remount the bloody drives.
> >
> > Of (perhaps) importance:
> >  /dev/cdburner is quite obviously a cdburner.
> >  /dev/cdrom is no quite so obviously a dvd-rom drive.
> >
> > Please help,
> > Thank you,
> > John
> Hi,  try something like:
>  mount -t iso9660  /dev/cdrom  /mnt
> or    mount -r  /dev/cdrom  /mnt
> The -r for read only. As I understand it  you  get an error back  about
> not a valid block device .  Mayhap without the final "cdrom" or "cdburner"
> They might come on line.  The -r gives you read only so that probably
> isn't an option.  This might be obvious but there should be a space
> between mount and the rest of the line.  I hope none of this is to
> obviously newbie, but I am obviously a newbie and don't know " twice
> around a burnt bisquit " as my dear Mother used to say.  The info above is
> out of one of the books I've been reading.  Hope something works soon, you
> are sounding frustrated.

Also, is it SCSI or IDE  if IDE see  the Linux - Mandrake webpages  tutorial
on CD burners.  Looks like trouble to me.  Still hoping something in all this
helps you.  Dennis

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