You need the following:
IP Address (or DHCP)
Subnet Mask
DNS (extra DNS servers never hurt anyone, so see if they can't give you 2 or 3)

Once you've got this info, plugging it in under "Network Configuration"
(part of the Configuration Tool icon on your desktop), is easy. Just click
on basic host information enter the above information. Click on Routing &
Gateways, enter your Gateway (Do not enable routing just yet, you may do
this later if you're masqing other machines) Click on Name Servers and
enter your DNSes. Click on quit. Click on Activate Changes (The window will
take a bit to close)

Once the window closes here's your first "Joy of Linux"... you don't need
to reboot to test your new network settings. Just launch netscape and hit


-David Talbot

At 03:11 AM 6/22/00 -0400, you wrote:
>Ask them if you have a static IP or get your IP through DCHP. 
>> Hello Collective,
>> I survived my first  disk partitioning and the instilation of a  non-windows
>> os but am left with a cable modem that now serves as a paper weight. I have
>> no clue where to get info on how to establish a connection with my
>> comcast@home service and seek the wisdom (and patience) of you - the
>> knowledgable masses.
>> Before I can even ask a good question I need to know what I am asking so:
>> What information will I need to have before I can attempt to get the modem
>> up-and running, and once I have that info- where is a good place to learn
>> what to do with the info.  The cable company COMCAST will "only answer
>> specific question but not help use the answers" I need to know what
>> "specific questions" I need to ask them.
>> I am using a dell dimension xpsr350 PII. the modem is a Toshiba PCX1100. it
>> is external, and IF i am reading the system report correctly the network
>> card is a SMC EZ Card PCI 10 Adapter. Lothar tells me that everthing is
>> configured fine, but I can't seem to find the place, dialague box or
>> whatever where I would establish a connection to the internet service
>> Thanks in advance for the advice, and pleas help free me from my windows
>> internet chain.
>> -Eric
>Anthony Huereca
>Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are. 

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