Roger Pithers wrote:

> I have been connected to the web with LM 7.0 for a few weeks now with no
> problem, but suddenly when my modem dials out it disconnects at the
> "starting pppd" stage and gives a "pppd died unexpectedly" error, or on one
> occassion "Timeout expired while waiting for the ppp interface to come up".
> I have checked all the settings in kppp which seem to be correct and have
> even read the manual :-)) but with no result.  I have no problems with the
> same modem using BeOS or Windoze.
> Please help, I'm tearing my hair out and there's not much left!
> Roger

Roger, when you set the timeouts in PPPD  or Kppd whichever you use set them
for at least 60 and preferably 90 seconds. If they are set for less than that
you might be timing out just as the modem is trying to connect.  Sometimes you
get a quick connection and it does'nt show up as a problem but then when the
servers are busy and connection isn't as fast you start timing out.    Hope
this isn't telling you something you already know but  maybe it will help.

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