On Sun, 25 Jun 2000, ~*Mark*~ wrote:

> I re-ran the install.sh and made sure that ports 25 and 110 are indeed
> open. FM is still not bringing down the mail for use in Pine. I really
> came to like that program! Wish I could get it running again.

try "telnet localhost 25", and see what happens.
If you are explicitly ejected, then there is a problem with the
server. Check that it is enabled in /etc/inetd.conf, and that there is
nothing wrong in /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny.

If there is no response, maybe it just canot resolve "localhost" (that
already happend once to me). In this case, check your /etc/hosts. Or try
to "telnet your.local.ip.address 25" and see if it is better. 


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