You could try to substitute who for w which works for non-root users under
the medium security install; however, it isn't quite as detailed as w ... see
man who.  You must be at a higher security level then medium because w works
for my users.  Did you try changing the permissions of w?  You can either
change the group setting to users (or some other group) or change w so that
"others" can execute the file.  See man chown and man chmod ... or for a point
and click method use kfm.  As a matter of security, I think I would change the
group to users instead of making w executable by anyone which would include
potential crackers.  HTH.


Mark wrote:

> I have a few questions, was wondering if anyone could help?
> W only works as root.  I want all users to see who is on.  They can do this
> using Finger, but I'd rather have W work as I'm so used to it.  It displays
> the header for W, but no username or user info.  I tried changing the
> permissions on the utmp file, but to no avail.
> Finger Command does not retain info once a user logs out.  So when I finger
> user, it says they have never logged in.  I'm not sure on this one either.
> And finally, YTalk, it runs, but will not contact the other user that I'm
> trying to talk to.  How do I get this to run?  Is this a process that has to
> be started?
> Any help is much appreciated.
> Thanks
> Mark

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